Promotion Exterior Paint

Promotion exterior paint

Promotion exterior paint - Special offer at Micca Paint

Special Offers on Micca Exterior paint and stain

Every renovation project requires the right tools to ensure that the job is done right.
At Micca Paint we are committed to offering our customers the best prices available on the market and always the best rebates on paint.

That's why we offer special prices on the most popular products every month. No matter which of our 8 locations in Quebec you visit.
We can guarantee you the best selection of products on the market at exceptional prices.

Whether you want to complete a small paint project or you are an entrepreneur looking for the right tools and paint in larger quantities.

Do not forget to check out our paint promotion avery offers monthly!

Discounts on exterior paint

Promotion stain exterior

Exterior stain paint micropore from Micca

Micropore 100% acrylic (all Colors)

M795-00 Semi-transparent

REGULAR 3.78 L: 93,40$ ( White base colors)

M780-00 Opaque vertical
REGULAR 3.78 L: 98,16 $ ( medium base colors)

M760-00 opaque Vertical / Horizontal

REGULAR 3.78 L: 102,59$ ( dark color only)

** Participating store or distributor only
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