Trends and colors

Trends and colors

Deconfinement and happiness

Just a peek to trends and colors 2022

Trends and colors are perusing the many blogs of colour forecasting painting professionals, there seems to be an emerging paint colour theme that I wish to share with our Micca painters.  Several have selected mint grey, as the colour of 2022.


What will the 2022 trend be?

Our Color Group is meeting and selecting the painting Trend 2022 palette now.  Maybe a mint grey in the Micca Paint palette would be 0440(Pale Loden) or a little daker 0441(Slate stone), similar to frosted mint in Pantone. A little more minty would be 0700. (Uninhibited)

We are also seeing one painted wall in orangy pinks like 1016,(November leaf) a modern peach, just like Beibers hit! This is a richer apricot neutral found in many fashion fabrics and accessories.  The golden orangy yellow would be 0987 (Tallow)

Happy painting and enjoys the moment!

Micca Paint Inc. is a Quebec-based company founded in 1985 that specializes in the manufacturing of interior and exterior paints and coatings. Our paint brands offer superior levels of performance for the needs of the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. We are proud to offer you the best paint quality on the market, and help you to choose the best match of colors you desired for your home improvement.

Micca’s products are meeting or exceeding the governmental regulations related to the protection of the environment. Besides our Micca line of VOC-free paints, all of our latex or acrylic-based products are low in VOC. Micca paint always beware of earth health and your happiness at home.

See our 2021 colors trends

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